Bombshell Campaign: Bella Klemmer
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Wednesday, November 11, 2020
By Monica Grimes Portrait Design/Carroll McKenzie
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As a younger person I was bullied, not beautiful. I've had to find the beauty within myself, and that's been one heck of a process! My definition of beauty doesn't have much to do with the surface. I think beauty is within, and that beauty finds itself into the world via several vessels. My favorites are art, poetry, romance, and small gestures of kindness wherever you can give one out, freely and without expectation of anything in return. My generosity and compassion are the non-physical things I like the most.

I've been through many life experiences that have helped make me who I am today. I was born to a father who was a convicted murderer and a mother who was not only physically in pain and disabled with Muscular Dystrophy, but also mentally and emotionally disabled with chronic depression. As a toddler I was molested, and was abused in all forms throughout my teen and younger adult years. As a result, I developed a love for all kinds of addictions to soothe myself. I've married and divorced 3 times, and two of those were quite abusive. I'm now a single mother to 5 children. I've battled depression, addiction, emotional dependency and the normal woes of life. I've nearly met death, and was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer and PTSD.

Almost 2 years ago I got clean and sober, cold turkey, and still am today. I've dragged myself out of the dark and the dirt to be here today for my children. I've survived rape, violence and addiction but have still found a way to launch a small business that supports the very things I believe should be supported in ways of empowering women and the fight against domestic violence. And I did it all without finishing high school. I have dedicated that my first year's earnings in sales and fundraisers will go back to people and organizations that have helped me develop and flourish in my day to day life.

These days, I KNOW I'm beautiful! It's really a good feeling to be on the mend and confident on a daily basis. I would say to other women that the mirror isn't always correct, and neither is word of mouth. You are beautiful in a great many ways, and whoever can't see that isn't looking at you with the right perspective. Don't do that body shaming thing to yourself! It's just a body-let your soul shine bright!

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