Bombshell Campaign: Melanie Terrien
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Tuesday, November 10, 2020
By Monica Grimes Portrait Design/Carroll McKenzie
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It's funny-the things I tried to hide about myself as a kid are the very things I like about myself as an adult. As a young child who was one of few in my school with red hair, I hated standing out. Because I was in a school full of blondes and brunettes, I stood out when I didn't want to. It took me 40 years to embrace and feel confident in the fact that it's awesome to be different!

I spent a good part of my life being a rule-follower because I had a brother who was in and out of trouble. In the past year, I've learned to become a fun-loving person who loves learning. I like having a bit of an edge and taking chances. I've jumped out of an airplane and also did a bikini competition for my 40th birthday! Even though I'm still a rule follower most of the time, I love to do things that people don't expect.

I love showing women it's amazing to be strong. Growing up strong wasn't part of the discussion for me-it was all about being skinny. I want my daughter to know it's ok to be strong both physically and mentally.

I believe everyone is beautiful. I'm physically stronger now at 42 than I've ever been. I've always been a runner and am learning to embrace my muscles. Strength, for me, is a large reason I've been able to consider myself beautiful, and I also love uniqueness.

Ladies, my advice is, find your beauty and own it! You are judging yourself while others are looking at how amazing you are.


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