Bombshell Campaign: Shantina Hash
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Friday, November 06, 2020
By Monica Grimes Portrait Design/Carroll McKenzie
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I was raised with a great example about beauty from both my grandmothers. Neither of them wore makeup very often, if ever, and I thought they were beautiful, so I never thought I needed makeup to be pretty. These days I try to see myself as beautiful, but there are times when I need to give myself a little kick and a good talking to in the mirror!

I had two children by my 21st birthday, by an abusive older man who I left shortly after my second daughter's 2nd birthday. My girls are now 15 and 17, and I've worked hard to raise strong, loving and determined young ladies. I have no idea where I would be if I didn't have them in my life, and wouldn't trade them for anything.

I've come through some very trying times, and still rise every day. I worked in a male dominated field for almost 20 years. I've been at the bottom and have also risen to the top. I just left my full time job to start a bed and breakfast, and my determination to succeed at my goals is my favorite non-physical feature about myself. Through perseverance and hard work I've gained experience to be able to help other women know that we have a place as well. 

I believe beauty is a smile, a light in the eyes, a helping hand and a listening ear. I would like to say to other women, look at yourself when you laugh really hard, like when you're with your best friend and she's having a bad day and you help make it better. Look at yourself when you finally accomplish that closet cleaning you've been putting off. Look at yourself when your children say "I love you, Mom." These are the times when you're the most beautiful.

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