Bombshell Campaign: Tara Simmons
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Thursday, November 05, 2020
By Monica Grimes Portrait Design/Carroll McKenzie
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From a young age, I felt if you were a bigger girl you were unattractive and unworthy. I've learned that we are all beautiful. Body type doesn't make you beautiful, your soul does, and beauty is a light that shines from within.

I know deep down that whatever I face, I will conquer. I've been knocked down so many times, but have still been able to rise from the ashes, and that resilience is my favorite non-physical feature.

At age 21, I got really sick. I found out I had a previously undiscovered birth defect and ended up having three open heart surgeries and other procedures. I was told that having children of my own was not an option because pregnancy would likely kill me. Three years ago, I unexpectedly got pregnant, and my doctors urged me to terminate for fear of my health and the baby's. But I decided to trust God and follow through with the pregnancy. I gave it to God and was filled with an incredible peace about the situation. I felt this baby was meant to be in this world no matter what that meant for me. I had lived and to bring this blessing into the world, I was ok if I didn't make it. Aside from a few hiccups throughout the pregnancy and during the birth, things couldn't have gone any smoother. Today I have an amazing 2 year old son, and he is such a light and miracle. We named him Silas Creed Houser, "Creed" meaning "statement of Faith". God made a promise and He delivered!

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